Peter Hunt在“How Python wins on the Web”里说道:“In fact, what I would love more than anything would be a portable mod_wsgi across Apache, LightTPD, and IIS: a module that would let me drop a .egg file into a directory and have it automatically pick up and install the WSGI application from the archive. Once we've got this, a standard, portable way of easily installing ANY Python web app, we'll be getting somewhere.”心有戚戚焉。
一个大一统的Python Web Framework可能对企业用户更有吸引力,但它肯定不能适用于所有应用。对一个语言来说,拥有众多杀手级的应用才是证明它的存在价值的最好方法。最近工作不太顺心,不过倒正好是个机会,有闲暇的功夫补习这两年Web开发的发展。Zope3、Django的发展都不能忽视;但是要建一个好的网站,需要特别开发和优化的东西大多无法依靠这些框架,可能还反受框架之累;比起完整的解决方案,我更喜欢WSGI/Template/ORM这些部分都能各自独立,随心选择不同实现。高内聚,低耦合,这是硬道理呀。